NSW Route B73
Mittagong - Kangaroo Valley - Nowra

RD sign southbound on Sheepwash Road after the junction with Illawarra Highway, Calwalla. Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.

Introduced: March 2013

Replaced: State Route 79 (Aylmerton to Bowral; Sheepwash Road to Bomaderry) and State Route 80 (Bowral to Illawarra Highway)

Length: 68km

Northern Terminus: Hume Motorway & Old Hume Highway, Aylmerton

Southern Terminus: Princes Highway & Cambewarra Road, Bomaderry

Route taken: Old Hume Highway, Bowral Road, Mittagong Road, Station Street, Funston Street, Kangaloon Road, Sheepwash Road, Nowra Road, Moss Vale Road, Cambewarra Road

Focal Points: (Sydney), Mittagong, Bowral, (Moss Vale), Nowra

Roads Act 1993 classification: Main Road No. 260 (Hume Mwy to Bowral), Main Road No. 261 (Bowral to Bomaderry)

Notable Events:

September 2006 - first uncovered B73 sign spotted on Sheepwash Road
September 2012 - Alpha-numeric route marking scheme announced by RMS
March 2013 -
route B73 signposted
June 2013 - several improvements made by RMS to the original coverplates along Sheepwash Road
July 2013 - several more improvements made by RMS to dodgy coverplates at the Illawarra Highway junction; incorrect B73 route markers in Moss Vale removed


Route B73 provides a north-south link through the Southern Highlands, and an important connection between the South Coast and the Hume Motorway. It largely replaces the former State Route 79; the main difference in route being between Bowral and Fitzroy Falls where B73 takes the direct route along Sheepwash Road compared to the detour via Moss Vale taken by the former State Route 79.


Coming soon...


The first exposed B73 route marker was spotted on the northbound RD sign at the southern end of Sheepwash Road, in September 2006. This was followed in September 2007 by two uncovered ID signs at the junction of Nowra & Sheepwash Roads, and in January 2011 by two further signs at the junction of Moss Vale & Cambewarra Roads.

The route was almost fully signposted in mid-March 2013, mainly by affixing coverplates to existing signs. The workmanship was generally extremely poor as, rather than using topknots, coverplates were placed wherever there was any spare space on the signface. In a further display of incompetence, several B73 coverplates were affixed to signs in Moss Vale which, of course, is nowhere near the route of B73. In July 2013, B73 signs on Princes Highway and the Hume Motorway were uncovered to complete the signposting of the route.

Photos of route B73 - Hume Motorway to Nowra
AD sign southbound on Hume Motorway approaching the junction with Old Hume Highway at Aylmerton.
Source: Dean Pryke, July 2013.
AD sign southbound on Hume Motorway approaching the junction with Old Hume Highway at Aylmerton.
Source: Dean Pryke, July 2013.
The B73 route markers on southbound Hume Motorway signage at Aylmerton were not uncovered with the initial rollout. This sign was the first of the bunch to be uncovered in mid-July 2013.
Source: Anthony Rassias, July 2013.
Uncovered alpha-ready RD sign southbound on Old Hume Highway after the junction with Hume Motorway at Aylmerton.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Nicely coverplated AD sign southbound on Old Hume Highway approaching Bowral Road, Mittagong. You can just make out the ID sign assembly in the distance which is yet to be altered. Note the incorrect NR31 shield which should hopefully be dealt with when M31 is signposted.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Nicely coverplated dodgy AD sign westbound on Old Hume Highway approaching Bowral Road, Mittagong. Note the incorrect NR31 shield which has been incorrect since before the sign was even designed! Also note the incorrect omission of B73 straight ahead.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Nicely coverplated late-1990s RD sign southbound on Bowral Road after Bessemer Street, Mittagong.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Nicely coverplated mid-1990s RD sign northbound on Mittagong Road at Cliff Street, Bowral.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Nicely coverplated AD sign westbound on Funston Street approaching the junction with Kangaloon & Moss Vale Roads, Bowral. Both the B73 route marker and the blank coverplate cover State Route 79 shields.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Nicely coverplated AD sign southbound on Moss Vale Road approaching the junction with Kangaloon Road, Bowral. Both the B73 route marker and the blank coverplate cover State Route 79 shields.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Coverplated 1990s AD sign northwest bound on Kangaloon Road approaching the junction with Moss Vale Road & Funston Street, Bowral. Both the B73 route marker and the blank coverplate cover State Route 79 shields.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Coverplated AD sign eastbound on Kangaloon Road approaching the junction with Eridge Park Road & Old South Road on the outskirts of Bowral.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Coverplated ID sign at the junction of Kangaloon Road, Eridge Park Road & Old South Road.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Nicely coverplated AD sign westbound on Kangaloon Road approaching the junction with Eridge Park Road & Old South Road on the outskirts of Bowral.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Uncovered alpha-ready RD sign northbound on Kangaloon Road after the junction with Sheepwash Road at Glenquarry.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Coverplated mid-1990s AD sign southbound on Kangaloon Road approaching the junction with Sheepwash Road, Glenquarry.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Uncovered, alpha-ready ID sign assembly at the junction of Kangaloon & Sheepwash Roads, Glenquarry.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Uncovered, alpha-ready AD sign northbound on Sheepwash Road approaching the junction with Kangaloon Road, Glenquarry.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.

New RD sign on Sheepwash Road, heading north from the junction with Illawarra Highway.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.

Dodgy AD sign southbound on Sheepwash Road, approaching the junction with Illawarra Highway. The first photo shows the initial poor coverplating effort from RMS contractors in March 2013. The bottom photo shows a proper topknot installed by RMS in July 2013, providing a big improvement to this sign. The third photo shows the later coverplating as part of the unveiling of A48.
Top photo: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Middle photo: Dean Pryke, July 2013.
Bottom photo: Dean Pryke, October 2013.

AD sign eastbound on Illawarra Highway approaching the junction with Sheepwash Road. The top photo shows the original coverplate job by RMS in March 2013 which was definitely one of the better jobs on this route. The second photo shows the amendments made by RMS in June 2013 - god knows why as the change looks worse than the original. The third photo shows a relocated B73 topknot to provide a big improvement. The bottom photo shows the topknot added in October 2013 as part of the unveiling of A48.
Top photo: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
2nd photo: Dean Pryke, June 2013.
3rd photo: Dean Pryke, July 2013.

Bottom photo: Dean Pryke, October 2013.

ID sign assembly facing eastbound traffic on Illawarra Highway at the junction with Sheepwash Road, Calwalla. The top photo shows the original coverplating effort by RMS in March 2013 which incorrectly omits B73 towards Nowra. The middle photo shows the changes made by RMS in June 2013, however the tiny ID sign stuck on the Nowra ID sign looks terrible. This would have been much more appropriately located at the top of the sign assembly which, coincidentally, is what RMS did in July 2013 to produce the final arrangement shown in the bottom photo.
Top photo: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Middle photo: Dean Pryke, June 2013.
Bottom photo: Dean Pryke, July 2013.

AD sign westbound on Illawarra Highway approaching the junction with Sheepwash Road. The top photo shows the original coverplating job in March 2013 which, although somewhat crude, is at least accurate. The second photo shows the amendments made by RMS in June 2013. The smaller B73 coverplate pointing towards Bowral is an improvement but the stuck on mini ID sign is definitely not an improvement. Coincidentally, RMS relocated the B73 topknot to the top left of the sign in July 2013 as shown in the third photo. The bottom photo shows the additional coverplate and topknot added as part of unveiling A48 in October 2013.
Top photo: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
2nd photo: Dean Pryke, June 2013.
3rd photo: Dean Pryke, July 2013.

Bottom photo: Dean Pryke, October 2013.

ID sign facing westbound traffic at the junction of Illawarra Highway & Sheepwash Road. The top photo shows the original dodgy coverplating job in March 2013. The bottom photo shows the alteration made by RMS in June 2013 - certainly a much nicer looking sign now.
Top photo: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Bottom photo: Dean Pryke, June 2013.

ID sign with dodgy B73 coverplate at the junction of Illawarra Highway & Sheepwash Road.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.

AD sign northbound on Sheepwash Road approaching the junction with Illawarra Highway. This is the best coverplating job at the entire junction! The B73 coverplate covers a SR80 shield. The bottom photo shows the later coverplating to show A48.
Top photo: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Bottom photo: Dean Pryke, October 2013.

New RD sign southbound on Sheepwash Road after the junction with Illawarra Highway.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.

Older RD sign northbound on Sheepwash Road after the junction with Wildes Meadow Road, Avoca. The top photo shows the terrible coverplating effort by RMS in March 2013. The bottom photo shows a much improved arrangement with B73 now placed as a topknot.
Top photo: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Bottom photo: Dean Pryke, June 2013.

Dodgy ID signage at the junction of Sheepwash & Wildes Meadow Roads, Avoca. The top photo shows the original B73 signposting effort in March 2013 which is rather confusing as it suggests B73 goes right only. The bottom photo shows the changes made in June 2013 which are a huge improvement.
Top photo: Dean Pryke, March 2013.

Bottom photo: Dean Pryke, June 2013.

New RD sign southbound on Sheepwash Road after the junction with Wildes Meadow Road near Avoca.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.

AD sign southbound on Sheepwash Road approaching Nowra Road near Fitzroy Falls. The top photo shows the original terrible coverplating effort from RMS which suggests B73 goes both ways. The bottom photo shows a topknot installed in June 2013 which much improves the situation.
Top photo: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Bottom photo: Dean Pryke, June 2013.

The oldest exposed B73 sign, northbound on Sheepwash Road after the junction with Nowra Road.
Photo taken: September 2006.

Two views of the ID sign assemblies at the intersection of Nowra Road & Sheepwash Road; the first showing the exposed B73 ID sign in 2007; and the second showing the coverplating job by RMS in March 2013.
Top photo: Rick Wardle, September 2007.
Bottom photo: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
This fingerboard sign, at the junction of Nowra Road & the entrance road to Fitzroy Falls, was missing the SR79 and therefore there was no easy place to put the B73 route marker. No problem, RMS will manage!
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
One of the better coverplating jobs - the RD sign northbound on Nowra Road after the junction with Myra Vale Road, Fitzroy Falls.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Definitely one of the better coverplaing jobs at the junction of Nowra Road & Myra Vale Road, Fitzroy Falls.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
A couple of different sized B73 coverplates on an AD sign, westbound on Myra Vale Road approaching Nowra Road, Fitzroy Falls.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Reasonable coverplating job on the northbound AD sign approaching Myra Vale Road, Fitzroy Falls.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Another decent coverplating job on the southbound RD sign after the junction with Myra Vale Road, Fitzroy Falls.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
Good coverplating job on the northbound RD sign near Cavan Road, Barrengarry.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Coverplated ID sign assembly at the junction of Moss Vale Road & Bendeela Road, Barrengarry.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
A coverplate just too big to fit on an ID sign at the junction of Moss Vale Road & Mt Scanzi Road, Kangaroo Valley.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Nice new RD sign northbound on Moss Vale Road after the junction with Kangaroo Valley Road, 3km south of Kangaroo Valley.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Nice new AD sign southbound on Moss Vale Road approaching Kangaroo Valley Road, 3km south of Kangaroo Valley.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
New fingerboard sign at the junction of Moss Vale & Kangaroo Valley Roads, 3km south of Kangaroo Valley.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Nice new AD sign northbound on Moss Vale Road approaching Kangaroo Valley Road, 3km south of Kangaroo Valley.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Nice new RD sign southbound on Moss Vale Road after the junction with Kangaroo Valley Road, Kangaroo Valley. It is strange that Berry is now included as a focal point, just after the signposting turnoff for Berry! Note the rivet holes showing that this sign once had a State Route 79 coverplate.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Nice new ID signs at the junction of Moss Vale Road, Cambewarra Lookout Road, Old Boxsells Road & Leebold Hill Road, Beamount. The B73 route markers were formerly covered by State Route 79 shields.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Coverplated 1990s ID signs facing traffic from Cambewarra Lookout Road at the junction with Moss Vale Road, Beamount.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Rather small B73 coverplate on this RD sign, northbound on Moss Vale Road after the junction with Main Road, Cambewarra.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
New AD sign southbound on Moss Vale Road approaching the junction with Main Road, Cambewarra.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
New AD sign northbound on Moss Vale Road approaching the junction with Main Road, Cambewarra.
Source: Dean Pryke, March 2013.
B73 coverplate on this RD sign, eastbound on Moss Vale Road after the junction with Main Road, Cambewarra.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Nice new B73 RD sign northbound on Moss Vale Road after the junction with Princes Highway at Bomaderry.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Nice new B73 ID sign at the junction of Princes Highway, Moss Vale Road & Cambewarra Road, Bomaderry. This is the southern terminus of route B73.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.

Incorrect B73 signs in Moss Vale

In March 2013, as part of the poorly implemented signposting of route B73, several signs on the former route of State Route 79 incorrectly received B73 coverplates. These signs should, of course, have received blanked coverplates as route B73 follows Sheepwash Road rather than following the former State Route 79 via Moss Vale.

Dean Pryke advises that in July 2013 the incorrect B73 route markers in Moss Vale were removed.

Incorrect B73 route marker on an ID sign at the junction of Illawarra Highway, Argyle Street & Suttor Road, Moss Vale.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Incorrect B73 route marker on an ID sign at the junction of Illawarra Highway, Argyle Street & Suttor Road, Moss Vale.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.
Incorrect B73 route marker on an RD sign on Illawarra Highway, east of the junction with Argyle Street, Moss Vale.
Source: Dean Pryke, April 2013.

Last updated 19 November 2013
© Ozroads 2003-2013.