Former Alignment: North Wollongong to Bellambi Lane
This section of old highway, between Bellambi Lane at Bellambi and the Northern Distributor at North Wollongong, was the original 1920 alignment of the highway. The current route of the highway, the Northern Distributor, opened to Bellambi Lane in December 1992, however, the second carriageway was not opened until May 1993 and the higway was regazetted as of the 1 July 1993. Maps and signage have not yet adjusted to the change, but the alignment change has been gazetted so is therefore official.
RD sign with Princes Highway name patch heading south from Bellambi Lane. Nov 2004. |
Looking north through Corrimal. Nov 2004. |
AD sign showing SR60 at the intersection with Mt Ousely Rd in Mt Ousley. Nov 2004. |