Former Alignment: North Ryde to Kellyville

Metroad 2 trailblazer on Castle Hill Road, adjacent to the Koala Park at West Pennant Hills. Jan 1997.

Lifespan: 1993-1997 (4 years)

Length: 28km

Eastern Terminus: Epping Rd & M2 Motorway, North Ryde

Western Terminus: Windsor Rd & Old Windsor Rd, Kellyville

Route taken: Epping Road, Beecroft Rd, Pennant Hills Rd, Castle Hill Rd, Old Northern Rd, Showground Rd, Windsor Rd

When Metroad 2 was firts introduced, in November 1993, the Hills (M2) Motorway had not been constructed. Metroad 2 was given an interim routing via already established routes to the north-west, then SR28 and SR30. Both routes were decommissioned upon signing of Metroad 2. In May 1997 Metroad 2 was re-routed onto the M2 Motorway and Old Windsor Rd - leaving the interim route unnumbered.

Photos of Metroad 2 former alignment: North Ryde to Kellyville
ID sign at the intersection of Epping Rd & Pittwater Rd, North Ryde, showing blank coverplate over Metroad 2 shield. I'm not sure why this sign was coverplated since Metroad 2 joins Epping Rd about 500m east of here and there isn't really any option but to join it! Nov 2005.
AD sign westbound on Epping Rd approaching Dehli Rd at North Ryde, showing Metroad 2 shield. This sign has since been heavily coverplated to reflect the changes brought by the opening of the M2 Motorway. c.1994.
ID sign at the intersection of Epping Rd & Dehli Rd, North Ryde, showing Metroad 2 shield. Note the unusual focal point of "Gladesville" - which used to be signed via Pittwater Rd until complaining residents worried about extra traffic on Pittwater Rd got the better of the RTA and "East Ryde" became the only focal point (formerly Gladesville/Hunters Hill). This sign has since been replaced by one simply showing Sydney, To Metroad 2. C.1994
AD sign eastbound on Epping Rd approaching Dehli Rd at North Ryde, showing Metroad 2 shield. This sign has since had a dodgy "To Metroad 2" coverplate installed on top of the Metroad 2 shield. c.1994.
AD sign northbound on Wicks Rd approaching Epping Rd at North Ryde - you can clearly see where Metroad 2 has been coverplated. A sign identical to this one also resided on Lane Cove Rd but was replaced in about 2001. This sign should show a State Route 29 shield (the route number on Epping Rd between Lane Cove and Dehli Roads) but for some reason it doesnt! Not happy RTA! Feb 2006.
Southbound AD sign on Lane Cove Rd approaching the Epping Rd overpass at North Ryde. Note that "To Metroad 2" is preferred over State Route 29, which has its western terminus here. Not happy RTA! Feb 2004.
ID sign at the intersection of Epping & Balaclava Roads, Marsfield, showing blank coverplate over Metroad 2 shield. June 2006.
AD sign eastbound on Epping Road approaching Balaclava Rd at Marsfield. You can clearly see the blank coverplate which covers a Metroad 2 shield. June 2006.
Looking west along Epping Road towards Culloden Rd at Marsfield. June 2006.
Epping Road looking east across Terreys Creek at the Epping/Marsfield border. This is where the dual three lane carriageways end and the road becomes of four-lane undivided standard through Epping. As you can see, congestion from traffic waiting to cross the railway overpass at Epping leads to extensive queues in the afternoon. Aug 2004.
Looking north along Epping Rd between Essex St and Pembroke St, Epping. Aug 2004.
Distance sign heading east along Epping Rd from Blaxland Rd/Langston Pl at Epping. Note the obvious coverplating of Metroad 2 and the substitution of "Metroad 3 Junction 5" for "Lane Cove 9". March 2006.
Diagrammatic AD sign westbound on Epping Rd approaching Blaxland Rd/Langston Pl at Epping. You can see the odd-shaped coverplate on the right of the sign, which covers "Metroad 2/Pennant Hills". April 2006.
Failry obvious coverplating of Metroad 2 (which was on a coverplate itself over the SR28/30 duplex) and Pennant Hills (replaced by Beecroft). This sign faces westbound traffic coming off the Epping Railway Overpass at the junction of Beecroft Rd, High St & Bridge St, Epping. April 2006.
Very very old AD sign northbound on Beecroft Rd approaching Carlingford Rd at Epping. Note the Metroad 2 shield is on a coverplate, covering SR30, whilst a SR28 shield is covered by a blank coverplate on the lower panel. April 1993.
ID sign showing Metroad 2 (with an incorrect SR30 shield that should have been removed when Metroad 2 was introduced) at the intersection of Beecroft Rd & Carlingford Rd, Epping. April 1993.
ID sign showing Metroad 2 shield, at the junction of Beecroft Rd & Carlingford Rd, Epping. April 1993.
AD sign southbound on Beecroft Rd approaching Carlingford Rd at Epping. Note the Metroad 2 shield is on a coverplate over a SR28 shield, which is also covered by a blank coverplate on the lower panel of the sign. April 1993.
Distance sign on Beecroft Rd, heading south from Pennant Hills Rd at Beecroft. Note the fairly obvious blank coverplate which covers the Metroad 2 shield. March 2006.
ID sign on Beecroft Rd near its junction with Pennant Hills Rd. Note that Beecroft/Epping is on a coverplate over Epping/Sydney/Metroad 2. Sep 2004.
AD sign on Beecroft Rd approaching Pennant Hills Rd at Pennant Hills Rd. Note the Metroad 7 shield is on a coverplate over the Metroad 2/7 duplex. March 2006.
AD sign northbound on Pennant Hills Rd approaching Castle Hill Rd at Thompsons Corner, showing the Metroad 2 shield. April 1996.
AD sign assembly southbound on Pennant Hills Rd approaching Castle Hill Rd at Thompsons Corner. Note the blank coverplate over the Metroad 2 shield (and finally some mention of Windsor, Metroad 2's remote focal point!). Aug 2004.
Lane allocation AD sign eastbound on Castle Hill Rd approaching Pennant Hills Rd at Thompsons Corner, showing the Metroad 2/7 duplex. Jan 1997.
Double-chevron ID sign on Castle Hill Rd at ist junction with New Line Rd, West Pennant Hills. Jan 1997.
Metroad 2 trailblazer heading west on Castle Hill Rd adjacent to the Koala Park at West Pennant Hills. Jan 1997.
And the complimentary eastbound trailblazer on Castle Hill Rd adjacent to the Koala Park at West Pennant Hills. These signs were very rare and I can't remember any ever appearing on Epping Rd. Since these were removed in mid-1997 there aren't any left. Jan 1997.
Looking west along Castle Hill Rd between Highs Rd & Glen Rd. March 2006.
Lane allocation AD sign westbound on Castle Hill Rd approaching Old Northern Rd at Castle Hill. Note the extensive coverplating this sign has had - the one that blends in best with the background covers Metroad 2 and the others cover SR36 (which was decommissioned in June 2004). March 2006.
Distance sign for eastbound traffic mounted on the back of the above cantilever structure. The TD15 shield is on a coverplate covering Metroad 2. Also note that all the focal points do not correspond with Metroad 2 (no mention of Sydney!). March 2006.
Distance sign heading south on Old Northern Rd approaching Telfer Rd at Castle Hill. The coverplate covers both Metroad 2 and State Route 36. March 2006.
AD sign northbound on Old Northern Road approaching Showground Rd at Castle Hill. Both blank coverplates cover Metroad 2 shields. May 2006.
Looking east along the unusual Showground Road at Castle Hill. Note that there is sufficient pavement for at least 4 lanes, but yet only 2 are striped! March 2006.
ID sign at the intersection of Showground Rd & Victoria Ave, Castle Hill, showing coverplated Metroad 2 shield. Jan 2004.
AD sign westbound on Showground Rd approaching Windsor Rd at Castle Hill. Note the Metroad 2 shield! which appears to be on a coverplate over a SR40 shield (which was on a coverplate over a Metroad 2 shield!). I wonder what the story is behind this one! Although, at least it gives us a good indication that Metroad 2 once travelled these parts. March 2006.
Distance sign heading east along Showground Rd approaching Victoria Ave at Castle Hill, showing coverplate Metroad 2 shield. However, note that Epping and Sydney don't get a mention! March 2006.
Blank coverplate covering a Metroad 2 shield at the junction of Windsor & Showground Roads, Castle Hill. March 2006.
AD sign southeastbound on Windsor Rd approaching Showground Rd at Castle Hill, shwoing coverplated Metroad 2 shield. March 2006.

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