NSW Route A22
Sydney - Bankstown - Liverpool

A prematurely uncovered RD sign eastbound on Hume Highway after Rookwood Road, Bankstown. Photo taken: November 2009.

Introduced: June 2013

Replaced: State Route 31

Length: 29km

Eastern Terminus: Broadway, George Street, Pitt Street, Lee Street & Quay Street, Railway Square

Western Terminus: Hume Highway & Cumberland Highway, Liverpool

Route taken: Broadway, Parramatta Road, Liverpool Road, Hume Highway

Focal Points: Sydney, Leichhardt, (Parramatta), Ashfield, Bankstown, Bass Hill, Liverpool

Roads Act 1993 classification: Highway No. 5 (Broadway, Parramatta Road), Highway No. 2 (Liverpool Road, Hume Highway)

Notable Events:

November 2009 - first uncovered A22 signs spotted at Bankstown and Camperdown
September 2012 - Alpha-numeric route marking scheme announced by RMS
29 May 2013 -
first uncovered A22 signs photographed by Hubert Lam at South Strathfield
June 2013 - route A22 fully signposted


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Photos of route A22 - Ultimo to Liverpool
AD sign southwest bound on Pitt Street at Railway Square - the eastern terminus of A22. Not the missing A22 route marker - this sign was installed without provision for A22 and as at July 2013 is still yet to be corrected.
Photo taken: February 2011.
AD sign southbound on George Street approaching Railway Square - the eastern terminus of A22. Not the missing A22 route marker - this sign was installed without provision for A22 and as at July 2013 is still yet to be corrected.
Photo taken: February 2011.
AD sign southbound on Harris Street approaching Broadway, Ultimo. Note the missing A22 route marker - this sign was installed without provision for A22 despite its predecessor having both Metroad 4 and Metroad 5 route markers. As at July 2013 it is still yet to be corrected.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
AD sign eastbound on Broadway approaching Abercrombie Street, Ultimo. This is the final eastbound A22 sign before its terminus at Railway Square.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
AD sign northbound on Wattle Street, Chippendale, approaching the junction with Broadway.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.

AD sign westbound on Broadway approaching the junction with City Road, Glebe. The top photo shows the how A36 was uncovered in early June and the middle photo shows the incorrect A34 route marker uncovered 3 weeks later. Following several complaints from the public, RMS coverplated the sign to correctly show A36 in July.
Top and middle photos: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
Bottom photo: Anthony Rassias, July 2013.
AD sign northbound on City Road approaching Broadway at Glebe. Note that the left turn is signed as Parramatta Road as Broadway becomes Parramatta Road only a short distance to the west.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
A collection of ID signs at the junction of Broadway & City Road, Glebe. Note the incorrect A34 route marker - according to the maps provided to the public and the data provided to mapmakers, City Road should be part of route A36.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
AD sign eastbound on Broadway approaching the junction with City Road, Glebe. The top photo shows the incorrect A34 route marker which was unveiled in June 2013. Following several complaints from the public, RMS coverplated the sign to correctly show A36.
Top photo: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
Bottom photo: Anthony Rassias, July 2013.
RD sign westbound on Parramatta Road after the junction with Derwent Street, Glebe.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
ID sign facing traffic on Pyrmont Bridge Road at the junction with Parramatta Road, Camperdown.
Source: Erk, June 2013.

AD sign eastbound on Parramatta Road approaching the junction with Pyrmont Bridge Road, Ultimo. The A22 route marker on this sign was first uncovered in November 2009 and then subsequently covered with a State Route 31 coverplate. This coverplate was then removed in June 2013 as the formal unveiling of A22 was commenced.
Top photo: November 2009.
Bottom photo: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
AD sign westbound on Parramatta Road approaching the junction with Johnson Street & Northumberland Avenue, Annandale.
Source: Erk, June 2013.
ID signs at the junction of Parramatta Road, Johnson Street & Northumberland Avenue, Annandale, with State Route 31 coverplates removed to reveal A22 route markers.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
AD sign eastbound on Parramatta Road approaching Johnston Street & Northumberland Avenue, Annandale.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
AD sign westbound on Parramattta Road approaching the junction with Old Canterbury Road, Lewisham.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
AD sign westbound on Parramatta Road approaching the junction with Liverpool Road, Summer Hill.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
AD sign westbound on Parramatta Road approaching the junction with Liverpool Road, Summer Hill.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
ID sign pointing eastbound at the junction of Parramatta Road & Liverpool Road, Summer Hill.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
ID signs at the junction of Parramatta & Liverpool Roads, Summer Hill.
Top photo: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
Bottom photo: Jason Kumar, June 2013.
AD sign eastbound on Parramatta Road (unnumbered section) approaching the junction with Liverpool Road, Summer Hill.
Source: Erk, June 2013.
AD sign eastbound on Liverpool Road approaching the junction with Parramatta Road, Summer Hill.
Source: Anthony Rassias, June 2013.
Freshly uncovered A22 route marker, southbound on Centenary Drive approaching the junction with Hume Highway, South Strathfield.
Source: Hubert Lam, 29 May 2013.
Freshly uncovered A22 route marker facing southbound traffic at the junction of Hume Highway, Centenary Drive & Roberts Road, South Strathfield.
Source: Hubert Lam, 29 May 2013.
Freshly uncovered A22 route marker facing northbound traffic at the junction of Hume Highway, Centenary Drive & Roberts Road, South Strathfield. Note the A3 route marker remains covered.
Source: Hubert Lam, 29 May 2013.
AD sign southbound on Stacey Street approaching the junction with Hume Highway, Bankstown.
Source: Daniel Thornton, July 2013.
A prematurely uncovered RD sign eastbound on Hume Highway after Rookwood Road, Bankstown. This sign was since coverplated and then had the coverplate removed in June 2013 as the signposting of A22 commenced.
Photo taken: November 2009.
AD sign southbound on Rookwood Road approaching the junction with Hume Highway, Bankstown.
Source: Richard Ho, June 2013.
Lane allocation AD sign eastbound on Hume Highway approaching the junction with Homepride Avenue, Warwick Farm.
Source: Andrew Ison, July 2013.
Lane allocation AD sign westbound on Hume Highway approaching the junction with Cumberland Highway, Liverpool. This is the western terminus of A22.
Source: Andrew Ison, July 2013.
ID sign at the western end of A22 - the junction of Hume Highway & Cumberland Highway, Liverpool.
Source: Andrew Ison, July 2013.
Lane allocation AD sign southbound on Cumberland Highway approaching the junction with Hume Highway, Liverpool.
Source: Andrew Ison, July 2013.

Last updated 10 August 2013
© Ozroads 2003-2013.

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