Former Alignment: Brooks Creek

This former alignment of NH23 was bypassed in March 1990. It was a long section between Lake George and Sutton that had was narrow, winding with a horrible surface.There are no remnants of NH23 signage along this section, mainly because i dont think there ever was any signage, there are no major intersections.

Photos of NH23 former alignment at Brooks Creek
Looking south on the old highway just before it rejoins the dual carriageways near Sutton Rd. Photo taken July 2004.
Northbound on the old highway near where it rejoins the dual carriageways. Photo taken July 2004.
Northbound through the narrow wooded section. Photo taken July 2004.
Northbound again. Photo taken July 2004.
Northbound again. Photo taken July 2004.
Northbound again. Photo taken July 2004.
Northbound again. Note the lack of a paved shoulder and the poor quality surface. Photo taken July 2004.
Looking south across Brooks Creek. Photo taken July 2004.
Northbound showing a wider formation but another dangerous curve. Photo taken July 2004.
Final section before the old highway rejoins the existing highway at Lake George. Photo taken July 2004.

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