Construction Photos

Western Portal Area: Bathurst Street and Western Distributor
New signage on the Western Distributor installed in May 2005 for the Cross City Tunnel (covered). May 2005.
More new signage a little further east on the Western Distributor. The right-most arrow is for the bus-only crossover to the Druitt Street viaduct. May 2005.
Looking west where the Druitt Street Viaduct meets the main westbound carriageway. The red-coloured ramp on the right is the eastbound bus crossover. May 2005.
Alpha-numeric signage installed in early June 2005 on the Bathurst Street viaduct eastbound. June 2005.
Dangerous Goods etc. signage on the Bathurst Street viaduct. Unsure how the lane arrangements will work out in this location, but i suspect the existing bus lane may become a Bathust St ONLY lane and the two existing general traffic lanes thus becoming CCT ONLY. May 2005.
The western portal (Bathurst St entrance) of the CCT. May 2005
Western Portal Area: Harbour Street and Day Street
Harbour Street, looking south from Bathurst St during construction of the Harbour Street portal of the CCT. July 2003.
Similar view, this time taken in June 2005, showing the nearly completed tunnel.
Looking north over Bathurst St (foreground), Day Place and the construction of the westbound portal. July 2003.
Similar view showing the westbound (Harbour St) portal of the tunnel and the reconstructed and landscaped Day Place. June 2005.
Looking west on Bathurst St at Day Place. July 2003.
Looking west from a little further east on Bathurst St. June 2005.
Harbour Street looking south to Bathurst Street from the Druitt St pedestrian bridge. March 2004.
Same view, this time in June 2005.
Northbound AD sign on Harbour Street, showing alpha-numeric route marker. May 2005.
Looking east into the western (Harbour Street) portal of the CCT. June 2005.
Roadworks in Druitt Street
Looking west on Druitt St to Sussex St and the Western Distributor. July 2003.
Similar view. June 2005.
Sir John Young Crescent Portal and merge onto Cahill Expressway
Looking north on Cahill Expressway from Art Gallery Road. April 2004.
Bourke Street ramp (CCT eb to Metroad 1 sb)
Signage on Bourke Street in Woolloomoloo showing that the Eastern Distributor entrance ramp will be closed for 2 years from Jan 2003. Im not quite sure why the ramp hasnt yet reopened, 30 months after it closed. When it does reopen, traffic from William Street will be able to enter the ED, merging with CCT traffic before merging again with the ED traffic. July 2003.
Directional signage on William Street acknowledging the closure. The "Alternative Route" is quite ridiculous actually, it takes you all the way to the other side of Kings Cross Tunnel, makes you do a u-turn and sends you all the way back to College Street. From there Metroad 1 southbound is reached via Oxford, Flinders and South Dowling Streets. April 2004.
Eastern Portal Area: Kings Cross Tunnel from the Roslyn Street footbridge
Looking east into the Kings Cross Tunnel with construction of the CCT portals underway. July 2003.
Similar view, this time with the tunnel nearing completion. May 2005.
Looking east into the Kings Cross Tunnel with construction of the CCT portals underway. July 2003.
Looking east into the Kings Cross Tunnel with the CCT approaches nearly completed but no portal yet. April 2004.
Similar view, this time with the tunnel entrance nearly completed. May 2005.
Looking east at the new eastbound ramp from Ward Ave into the right lanes of Bayswater Road. This ramp was designed so traffic from Kings Cross can access Paddington and the Cross City Tunnel without weaving across four lanes of traffic. May 2005.
Looking east along Bayswater Road, the construction on the left is for the eastbound CCT lanes to join eb Bayswater Rd. July 2003.
Similar view but much closer to completion. May 2005.
Looking east down Craigend Street. July 2003.
Same view, this time with the CCT approaches nearly completed. May 2005.
Assorted signage installed in anticipation of the Cross City Tunnel opening
ID signs at the Ward Avenue on-ramp. I dont know why this one was left out in the open when the one just around the corner (~15m away) was covered up. June 2005.
Gantry sign westbound on Craigend Street approaching the tunnel mouth. May 2005.
ID signs, with strange looking font and corners that have been rounded too much, McLaughlan Ave, Rushcutters Bay. June 2005.
The CCT will be the signposted route to Darling Harbour and City North (although there is no signage at the western end telling you how to get to Darling Harbour) according to this little sign on New South Head Road. June 2005.

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