& the Drummoyne to Lane Cove section of the North Western Freeway

Photos of the Gladesville Bridge and assosciated section of freeway
Looking north at Fig Tree Bridge, showing the pier design which enabled a lane on either side of the bridge to be 'clipped on' when the freeway was extended north, which of course never happened. Photo taken September 2003.
Looking north from Church St, Hunters Hill showing the freeway (now Burns Bay Rd) heading towards the Fig Tree Bridge across Lane Cove River. Photo taken April 2004.
Looking south from Church St to the bridge across Tarban Creek. Photo taken April 2004.
Looking north across Tarban Creek Bridge. This was to be the expressway to Newcastle once upon a time. Photo taken April 2004.
1970 view of Tarban Creek Bridge from the waters edge at Hunters Hill. Scanned from DMR Journal.
Another 1970 view of the Tarban Creek Bridge, this time looking north from the Victoria Rd overpass. Scanned from DMR Journal.
Looking east on Victoria Rd from the footbridge outside Riverside Girls High School. Photo taken April 2004.
Looking west from that same footbridge, the old alignment of Victoria Rd (Huntleys Pt Rd) approaches from the left at the traffic lights. Photo taken April 2004.
Looking east across the Parramatta River where the old cast-iron opening bridge once stood. Photo taken April 2004.
Aerial view over teh Tarban Creek bridge and the Hunters Hill Interchange during 1965. Scanned from Main Roads Journal.
1962 view of construction of the Gladesville Bridge, showing heavy traffic on the old bridge. Scanned from Main Roads Journal.
Panoramic view from Hunters Hill showing the Huntleys Point Interchange and Gladesville Bridge in 1970. Scanned from DMR Journal.
View of the Gladesville Bridge construction, clearly showing the arch structure, the largest concrete arch span in the world (at 1963). Scanned from 'The Roadmakers'.
Late 1964 view of the newly-opened bridge, showing the Burns Bay Rd connection still under construction. Scanned from DMR Journal.
1965 view of the eastern approach to the Gladesville Bridge. Note the 'Golden Fleece' petrol station which is now a 711. Scanned from DMR Journal.
Easterly view of heavy traffic on the old Gladesville Bridge in 1962. This bridge also carried tram traffic and at one point in time was made one-way in the direction of peak hour travel. Scanned from DMR Journal.
A direct replacement of the very old 1960's signs littered all over this section with the word 'expressway' on them. A haunting reminder of the road's former glory. This sign has actually been removed after being vandalised by the lovely girls of Riverside Girls HS. Photo taken September 2003.
Another former expressway sign, this time at the Hunters Hill Interchange. Photo taken September 2003.
The other surviving expressway sign at the Hunters Hill Interchange. Photo taken April 2004.
Aerial view of the Gladesville Bridge and North Western Freeway complex in 1987. Scanned from "Bush track to highway" by Austroads.
Atmospheric dusk shot of Gladesville Bridge from Huntleys Point.
Source: Stuart Watts, 2007.
A dusk shot of the grade-separated interchange at the western end of the bridge.
Source: Stuart Watts, 2007.
A westerly view from Hunters Hill towards Tarban Creek bridge.
Source: Stuart Watts, 2007.

Last updated 30 May 2009
© Ozroads 2004-2009.