F3 Sydney - Newcastle Freeway HISTORIC PHOTOS
Section: Ourimbah to Beresfield
To view historics photos of the F3 between Calga and Ourimbah, click HERE. |
Northerly aerial view over the construction of the Kangy Angy cutting in 1981. |
View of Old Tuggerah Rd underpass in 1982. Note the steel tube design, meaning the freeway can cross the road on high fill rather than on a bridge structure. Source: Main Roads, June 1981. |
Southerly aerial view over the Kangy Angy cutting in 1983. Scanned from Main Roads Journal. Source: Main Roads, December 1983. |
Northerly aerial view of Warnervale (Sparks Rd) interchange in 1990. |
Construction of the Wallarah Ck-Morisset section at Wyee in 1982. |
This sign is an original from when the freeway opened to Morisset in September 1987. The blank coverplate covers 'Toronto' which was signposted when the freeway finished at Palmers Rd. 'Newcastle' was also coverplated from 1987-90 when the freeway opened to Palmers Rd. This sign replaced it in the late 1990's. Photo taken 1996. Photo taken: 1996. |
Looking north through Cooranbong not long after opening in 1989. Photo scanned by Lachlan Sims. |
Aerial view over the newly opened Freemans Waterholes Interchange in 1988. Photo scanned by Lachlan Sims. |
Northbound at Freemans Waterholes Interchange, this sign was installed in 1993 when the freeway was opened to Minmi, advising traffic that had exited here for 5 years that they could now use the freeway to get the New England/Pacific Highways. It was replaced in 2000 by this sign. Photo taken: 1998. |
Looking south over Lords Creek between Palmers Rd & Freemans Drive in 1988. Photo scanned by Lachlan Sims. |
Looking south over Palmers Creek at Ryhope, following opening of the Freemans Dr-Palmers Rd section, 1993. |
Northerly aerial view over the freeway at Killingworth in 1993. Source: Sydney-Newcastle Freeway: Palmers Road to Minmi and The Newcastle Link Road promotional brochure. |
Easterly aerial view above construction of the interchange with Newcastle Link Rd (Newcastle Interchange) in 1992. Source: Sydney-Newcastle Freeway: Palmers Road to Minmi and The Newcastle Link Road promotional brochure. |
The old northbound AD sign for the Beresfield roundabout, dating from when Lenaghans Drive carried the NH1 designation. This sign has since been replaced with this sign. Photo taken: 1994. |
The old northbound RD sign on John Renshaw Dr at the end of the freeway. This sign was replaced with this sign in 2002. Photo taken: 1994. |
ID signs for Weakleys Drive at the Beresfield roundabout. The top two signs were removed during 2004. Im not sure why, because the name plates are surely beneficial to navigation. This sign now looks like this. Photo taken: December 2003. |
Last updated 27 March 2011 © Ozroads 2004-2011. |